Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I get my prep? Do I need a prescription?
Everything you need for the prep can be found over-the-counter, you do NOT need a prescription.
Items needed: Miralax, Dulcolax Laxative (Bisocodyl), Gas-X (Simethicone), Gatorade and any other clear liquids of your choice
Where do I find my prep instructions?
It will be emailed to the email address you provided. You can also visit our Prep Instructions page HERE.
Is the prep mixture the only liquid I need to drink prior to procedure?
No, please drink an additional 12 glasses (8-10 oz each) of liquids so you do not become dehydrated. The colon prep mixture is to clean out your colon; not to replace fluid loss.
I already had diarrhea before drinking the prep mixture, do I still have to drink all the prep mixture?
Yes, you must drink the prep as directed. While you may be going to the bathroom a lot, it is important that what you see in the toilet is clear. (See our stool prep chart for a visual). If the colon is not completely cleaned, the procedure may be canceled and rescheduled.
I am drinking the prep mixture and I already have loose, watery stools. Do I really have to drink all the prep mixture?
Yes, you want your colon to be as clean as possible so that your doctor may fully see your colon. A complete colonoscopy cannot be performed on an unclean colon!
If I am smaller, shorter or weigh less can I take less prep?
Although on the outside you may be smaller, all colons are the same length on the inside. This requires everyone to take the same amount of prep regardless of height or weight. If necessary, you can slow the rate at which you drink the prep, but the volume needs to remain the same.
I feel like vomiting and don’t think I can drink anymore. What should I do?
People may have nausea and even vomit while prepping for the colonoscopy. The volume of the preparation cannot be reduced. You may need to slow the pace at which you drink your mixture. Walking and other activities usually decrease nausea. If you do vomit or feel nauseated, do not drink any of the prep mixture for approximately 30 minutes, then continue drinking. Keep at it, a complete colonoscopy cannot be performed on an unclean colon.
I drank most of the prep mixture and have not gone to the bathroom yet. What should I do?
Some people have a bowel movement after 30 minutes and some take longer. If you still have not had a bowel movement after 4 hours of drinking the mixture, please call the office for further instructions.
Do I really need a driver to take me home?
Yes, the sedation medication remains in your system for many hours. Your reflexes are slowed by sedation just as if you were intoxicated. You cannot drive, operate heavy machinery or anything else that requires balance for the remainder of the day.
Does my driver need to remain on site during my procedure?
We recommend your driver stay on site or be available to arrive with a fifteen minute notice.
Do I have to fill out the health history and medication forms?
Yes, although colonoscopies are a relatively safe procedure, it is still a medical procedure with risks. To minimize those risks it is important that your medical providers know your health history and current medications.
Can you look at my health history and medication list from Utah Gastro?
Even though we share providers, St. George Endoscopy and Utah Gastro are separate entities. Your health history and medication information needs to be provided to both centers.
Can I take my medications the morning of my procedure?
Certain medications need to be stopped prior to your procedure. (If you are currently taking prescription blood thinners, diabetic, or weight loss medications such as Plavix, Coumadin, Brilinta, Effient, Pradaxa, Xarelto, Eliquis or Ozempic, Mounjaro, Trulicity, Victoza or Insulin please consult our office (435-359-9947) for directions regarding these.) Most medications can be continued as long as they are taken at least 4 hours prior to procedure.
Why do I have to have nothing by mouth (NPO) prior to my procedure?
Your stomach must be COMPLETELY empty at the time of procedure for both EGDs and colonoscopies. This is for patient safety; if the patient has had food/drink 3-4 hours prior to their procedure, they are at risk of aspiration (a condition in which food, liquid or vomit is breathed into the airway).
How long will I be groggy for after my procedure? Can I go back to work?
Each patient is different, however, the sedation medication can last for several hours. Usually patients prefer to go home and rest. You can be out and about as long as someone is with you; however you CANNOT drive for 12-24 hours after sedation.
How long should I plan to be at the center?
We advise to plan on being at the center for approximately two hours from arrival to leaving. This includes checking in, being prepped, the procedure and recovery. We do ask you to request your driver to stay on site or be able to arrive within fifteen minutes’ notice.
When and what can I eat after my colonoscopy?
Most patients can eat as soon as they leave the center. Most patients have no food restrictions afterwards. If you have any restrictions your doctor will let you know prior to leaving the center.
When will I get my pathology?
Pathology is sent out to the laboratory. We usually see results within 6-10 days of your procedure. You should receive results by mail in 1-2 weeks.
I am having trouble getting into the patient portal, can you reset my password?
We are unable to reset your password from the center. The first password given is usually your birthdate, in the form (MM/DD/YYYY). If you are unable to access the patient portal, please bring in a list of your current medications and any pertinent health history information.
Why do I need to call if I am taking prescription blood thinners, diabetic or weight loss medications?
There are increased risks during the procedure if you are on certain medications. Prescription blood thinners need to be stopped prior to your procedure, some of these 5 days in advance. Some diabetic and weight loss medications can slow how quickly your stomach empties, this may require you to stop eating sooner than other patients to ensure your stomach is empty at the time of procedure.
(If you are currently taking prescription blood thinners, diabetic, or weight loss medications such as Plavix, Coumadin, Brilinta, Effient, Pradaxa, Xarelto, Eliquis or Ozempic, Mounjaro, Trulicity, Victoza or Insulin please consult our office (435-359-9947) for directions regarding these.)
What should my stool look like?
Your bowel movements should be clear or light-tinted liquid with no solid material. The best prep looks yellow and clear like urine.
Where are you located?
368 E Riverside Dr., Suite B, St. George, UT, 84790
You can find driving directions HERE.
How can we contact you if our questions aren’t answered?
St. George Endoscopy Center: 435-674-3109
Appointment Scheduling – Utah Gastroenterology: 435-673-1149
Nurses Line (medical/health-related questions): 435-359-9947
What if my phone call is not answered?
We apologize we missed you, we are busy taking great care of our patients. Please leave a message and we will call back ASAP.